

有着“公立常春藤”之称的得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin,简称UT)是全美最好的公立大学代表,也是中国留学生最喜欢申请的学校之一。

UT 申请的文书要求为“1+4(+1)”,即【1篇essay + 4个short answer(+1份个人简历)】,【个人简历】是非必选项,但是一般建议递交。


UT 文书(Supplemental Essays)怎么写?看完这篇攻略也许会对你有帮助。



  • Topic A:

Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today? (500-700 words)

  • Required Short Answer1:

Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major? (250-300 words)

  • Required Short Answer2:

Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT. (250-300 words)

  • Required Short Answer3:

The core purpose of The University of Texas at Austin is, "To Transform Lives for the Benefit of Society." Please share how you believe your experience at UT-Austin will prepare you to “Change the World” after you graduate. (250-300 words)

  • Required Short Answer4:

Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance, including the possible effects of COVID-19. (250-300 words)


You may choose to submit an expanded résumé offering additional information about all of your achievements, activities, leadership positions, and student employment.




Topic A 写作要点和建议




  • 集思广益:科学上网可以检索到很多优秀的文书案例或短论文,边看边分析文书的架构、起承转合以及优美的用词造句。
  • 构建框架:在大量阅读的基础上,思考自己的文书要表达的核心观念,以此为目的罗列出需要用到的材料——案例事迹、个人收获、可能用到的名人名言等。
  • 多次修改:初稿完成后一定要通读至少2遍,针对其中不满意或表述不够好的地方进行修改润色。有条件的同学可以请专业机构的老师辅助完成。





Short Answer 1 写作要点和建议


这是一篇 “why major?” 的文书。


UT 格外重视这部分的内容,申请人在写作时,要通过兴趣爱好、课外活动等事例或经历来证明自己与申请专业的契合程度。


  • 回忆每一个令你对申请专业感兴趣的时刻,并列举出大纲
  • 按时间顺序排列这些时刻,有助于理清对申请专业的认识过程。由于字数限制,可以每1-2段描述一个过程
  • 动笔之前先决定好是否要在文章中包含能说明【想学习什么专业以及为什么想学】的特定论题
  • 可以在文章中提出一些令人深思的问题,哪怕你并不知道答案
  • 如果申请时还未确定具体专业,选择的是“undeclared” ,这部分的内容可以用跨学科的视角写1-2个非常感兴趣的内容,并说明为什么感兴趣,向招生官展示你探索世界的热情、好奇心和跨学科建立联系的能力


Why biology?

  • Elementary school: Getting my first dinosaur toy and reading dinosaur books
  • Middle school: Visiting museums, seeing water under a microscope
  • High school: Doing online research, getting internship where we analyzed brainwaves and dissected a stingray



  • Connect number of stars to number of connections in brain (and maybe mention cortical dysplasia)——抛砖引玉吸引眼球
  • AP Bio + neuroscience program——第一个有关的实践
  • say why neuroscience (get specific) and what I’ll do with degree——提出论题
  • Return to opening (stars) and look to future——首尾呼应式结尾


Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone. After this experience, I took AP Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other diseases.

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more. (247 words)


Why Gender and Sexuality Studies?

  • Eighth grade Civics class conversations——8年级时第一次接触并感兴趣
  • Shadowing OB/GYN at a nearby hospital and seeing woman receive postpartum exam——第一个有关的实践
  • Being the school “tampon fairy” (restocking school bathrooms with tampons and condoms)——第二个有关的实践
  • name my major and briefly say why——提出论题


My interest in Gender and Sexuality Studies was sparked in my eighth grade Civics class when we studied topics pertaining to sexual equality. I went into the class knowing I believed women had a right to make choices for their own bodies and that view remained the same, but I discovered the complexity of abortion debates.

I challenged myself by thinking about the disparity between actual and potential personhood and the moral rights of unconscious lives. If pregnancy had the same consequences for men as it does women, how might the debate be different? Would this debate even exist?

A year later, I shadowed an OB/GYN at a nearby hospital. On my first shift, I watched an incarcerated woman receive a postpartum exam after giving birth in her cell toilet with just Advil, and the issues discussed in Civics suddenly became urgent and real.

My school projects have often focused on reproductive rights. I’ve spent numerous hours delving into summaries of Supreme Court cases on abortion and contraception, and am even known as the “Tampon Fairy” at school because I frequently restock the school bathrooms with tampons and condoms.

I’m interested in exploring how Gender and Sexuality Studies connect to Public Health and Reproductive Biology, as well as Public Policy and Law. The interdisciplinary nature of this major will allow me to investigate many other areas of study and create a more nuanced understanding of how this particular field interacts with our world and society. (246 words)


Imagine My whole life, storytelling has shaped me. When I lived in London, my parents would read me The Lion King every night until I’d memorized the whole book. In elementary school, I would curl up in my bed, warm lamplight making my room golden, listening to my dad bring to life classics like Wilderness Champion and Tom Sawyer. Later, I found audio storytelling, laughing hysterically at Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me on the car ride to school and connecting to a radio network of humanity through This American Life. It wasn’t long before I got hooked on visual narratives, mesmerized by the cinematic intensity of Whiplash and the whimsical world of Moonrise Kingdom, alternate realities I could explore as if they were my own. By high school, I was creating my own array of stories through satirical school newspaper articles, analysis of mise-en-scene in film class, podcasting, and my own locally-broadcasted radio series.

A concentration in the Literary Arts or Modern Culture and Media is the next step in my life of storytelling. The dynamic world of connection and vulnerability a well-told story can create is what continues to fascinate me. At Brown, I would explore how engaging narratives have been told in the past and can be innovated in the future through new digital platforms. Whether researching radio’s historical impact on public opinion during World War II or the Vietnam War, developing screenplays, producing my own documentary or learning from Writers-In-Residence, I hope to pioneer networks of connection. (250 words)


Short Answer 2 写作要点和建议


在 UT,这不是一篇普普通通的“why us?”文书。

与大学如何帮助你完成学习计划相比,UT 招生官更希望看到的是「学生如何利用 UT 的优势创造持续性的进步或改变」。


1- 强调你的价值观,可以通过「你将在哪些方面给 UT 带来影响或改变」来说明

2- 使用蒙太奇手法将多个经历之间、经历与主题之间串联起来


(1)根据曾经参加过的活动、经历、实践,列举出7-10个可能给 UT 带来的贡献


(3)将一些未在 Topic A 中出现过的选项融合进来


3- 列举的经历一定要真实,不能造假

4- 简单描绘未来,有利于招生官设想你将如何使用具体事例对 UT 带来变化


Some of my more interesting perspectives were formed in the backseat of my mom’s maroon Ford Explorer, where I’d unload the many questions inside my head, ranging from how toll roads worked to why we said the Pledge in school.

Today, my drive to learn new things has found an even more engaging outlet: arguing.

I’ve spent many hours with friends in coffee shops, arguing over myriad topics. With each conversation, I walked away with new insights. During a debate over the Green New Deal, for example, I learned the effects of government action on the employment rate. I’m excited about the prospect of bringing my love of the argument to UT through the Lincoln-Douglas debate program and growing my skills under the guidance of skilled mentors like SunHee Simon.

As a Longhorn, I’d execute on the ideals I advocate for, perhaps by creating a voter engagement campaign targeting underrepresented communities in Austin with the help of organizations like Texas Rising and Generation UN.

When I lost my fingertip in a tubing accident, I dealt with my loss by researching my amputation. The more I learned, the more comfortable I began to feel, and I was able to make educated decisions about things like my prosthetic and nail removal. At UT Austin, I hope to exercise my newfound love of research in undergrad projects like How Campaigns Affect Voters, documenting the public’s changing views of political candidates throughout an election cycle in order to better understand the impact of news coverage on an election.

Although I’ve outgrown the Explorer, I’ve become an explorer of sorts in my own right, and I can’t wait to continue asking new questions and speaking out against injustice with my fellow Longhorns, whether it’s in the Perry-Castañeda Library, the South Mall, or Duren Hall’s courtyard. (300 words)


Short Answer 3 写作要点和建议



很显然,UT 更希望培养出一些批判性思想家和变革者,而不仅仅局限于招收一定数量的学生。


  • 可以结合 Short Answer 2 的内容来作答
  • 改变世界的方式可以与职业、专业无关,也可以是课外活动
  • 展现出对特定群体和成员的持续关注,UT 希望学生简历/文书上的漂亮经历并不仅仅是为了申请大学而刻意制造的,而是出自学生的人文关怀、责任意识、兴趣爱好等
  • 改变世界的方式可以具体描述但是尽量要有创造性,避免千篇一律


Over the past 14 years, I’ve eaten 2,800 servings of peanut butter (PB), equal to 67.3% of my bodyweight. PB reflects who I am.

JUSTIN’s is the consistently gentle and cobbled PB. Providing a sweet but natural taste, Justin’s taught me to do the same in my interactions with others. Through participation in programs like UTeach Outreach and Alternative Breaks, I will become a better community member while growing into a leader and forming friendships.

JUBILIU is the imperfectly yet naturally perfect pebbled sesame PB. Non-homogenized in texture, it requires a big stir, but its natural taste is sustaining like its 600-year-old history. On one of my first days in China, my host mom and I ventured to Chinese Walmart, Wumart. Standing in the condiment aisle, she chose Jif for me, but I asked if there was a Chinese version. During my junior year immersion in China, I strove to be stirred around in the Chinese culture, adding to the depth of my own flavor, so I could purposely expand my worldview. Through UT’s Chinese Student Association, I look forward to immersing myself in and supporting the culture that taught me to purposely exert effort in my actions, seeking depth to lead a more sustaining life.

SUNBUTTER is the unpredictably necessary non-PB PB. SunButter taught me to embrace what is hard, understanding it will enrich my life journey, or better yet, someone else’s. Pursuing my passion for finance and broadening my understanding of the world, I’m excited to join the Global Macro Team.

Crafted by other PB brands, I’m a continually evolving PB brand. I’m Ella. My PB brand is nowhere near shelf-ready; I’ve more experiences to be had, Longhorns to interact with, and 14,600+ servings of PB left to savor. (294 words)


Short Answer 4 写作要点和建议




  • 考虑使用项目符号和章节标题以便于浏览
  • 解释你认为有必要解释的内容,例如成绩单有空白、某一门课程成绩过低等
  • 以上文书中没有展示出的其他成就、荣誉


Health Issue

My fingertip was amputated in a tubing accident during the summer after junior year, which resulted in me having to relearn how to type and take extra time on tests and note-taking. However, I was able to adjust by mastering the hunt-and-peck typing method with my left hand and learning how to manipulate objects with only 9 and ⅔ fingers.

Dropping AP French IV

I became overwhelmed with my amount of advanced classes and coursework, including 3 hours a night from AP French homework. I made the choice to drop AP French in order to balance my coursework in my other classes and my mental health. I learned to respect and honor my limits as well as how to stand up for myself when I am feeling overwhelmed and unhappy.

2020 Spring Quarter Grades

Before my school switched to pass/fail as a result of online learning, we completed our 3rd quarter grading period, which is not included on my transcript. I received the following grades:

AP Physics 1: 91

AP Statistics: 99

Peer Coaching: 100

AP-GT English III: 93

Pre-AP Precalculus: 96

AP US History: 93

(154 words)

关于个人简历部分,UT 官网的描述如下:

Your resume should include all your achievements, not just those that didn’t fit on the ApplyTexas or Coalition for College application. That said, if you’re able to list everything on your admissions application, there’s no need to submit a separate resume.

If you submit a resume, you should include:

- Details about what each activity involved rather than a general description

- The number of hours per week and weeks per year you spent on each activity

对于简历的要求,UT 表述很清晰:

  • 如果你的所有成就在申请文书中已经有详细提及,则不需要提交个人简历
  • 如果要提交简历,需要包含每项活动的详细细节内容(例如活动平台、担任职位、开始时间等)、每周和全年累计在每项活动上花费的时长



